Response Object – AccountDetail
Used in web method(s):
Field | Type | Description |
SiteID | int | The PharmX allocated siteID identifying the pharmacy. |
Password | string (50) | Not currently used. |
Created | date/time | The (UTC) date and time the account was created on the Gateway. |
DeliveryAccountNumber | string (50) | The supplier allocated account number that identifies the pharmacy’s account. |
SupplierId | int | The unique PharmX ID for the supplier company receiving the order (e.g, API Australia has SupplierId = 5). |
StateSupplierId | int | The PharmX ID for the supplier where the supplier is sub-divided into states (e.g. , API NSW has StateSupplierId = 1107). |
Active | boolean | Active flag of the account. |
PharmacyName | string (50) | The PharmX site name/description. |
AccountRoles | array of string | A list of roles assigned to the account. Roles are:
MaxOrdersPerMonth | int | Not currently used. |
MinimumOrderValue | decimal | If > 0.00, the POS should validate draft orders for this account to ensure the estimated order value exceeds MinimumOrderValue (else freight and other costs may apply). |
FreightCosts | decimal | Not currently used. |
Description | string (50) | A description for the account, maps to the account “Description” in the list of site accounts in the PharmX Portal, and the “Reference” field in the “New accounts” form in the PharmX Portal. |
BillToAccountNumber | string (50) | The supplier allocated account number that identifies the account to which the financial liability will be attached. |
PaymentType | string (50) |