Response Object – GatewayPurchaseOrder
Used in web method(s):
Field | Type | Description |
OrderId | int | The unique PharmX order ID |
BuyerAbn | string (50) | The ABN for the store sending the order |
BillToAccountNumber | string (50) | The supplier allocated account number that identifies the account to which the financial liability will be attached. |
DeliveryAccountNumber | string (50) | The supplier allocated account number that identifies the pharmacy to which the goods should be delivered (maps to [Order].AccountNumber) |
Purchaser | string (50) | Identifies the purchase manager who sent the order |
PurchaserSignature | string (50) |
Backup | string (50) | Optional order header value |
Code | string (50) | Optional order header value |
DeliverNoEarlierThan | date/time | The requested date time after which the order can be delivered, the presence of the default value indicates no meaningful value has been supplied |
DeliverNoLaterThan | date/time | The requested date time before which the order can be delivered, the presence of the default value indicates no meaningful value has been supplied |
Group | string (50) | Optional order header value |
Method | string (10) | Optional order header value |
Reference | string (50) | POS system (i.e. sender) reference for this order |
POSuniqueMessageID | guid | Auto-generated by PharmX if not provided by the POS |
SupplierId | int | The unique PharmX ID for the supplier company receiving the order (e.g, API Australia has SupplierId = 5) |
StateSupplierId | int | The PharmX ID for the supplier where the supplier is sub-divided into states (e.g. , API NSW has StateSupplierId = 1107) |
Type | string (10) | Optional order header value |
LineCount | int | The number of purchase order lines in the order, used for message validation by the receiver. |
InterfaceVersion | int | If the value is 3 then assume Gateway 3.0 messaging standards |
Freight | int | Used in order compliance scenarios by POS. Will be set to ‘99’ to indicate freight charges will be accepted if applicable, else set to zero (0) |
Lines |
| An array of PurchaseOrderLine |
Field | Type | Description |
OrderLineUID | guid | Set by POS as a unique reference (unique within this order only) for each order line in the order, or if order source is Gateway2 or lower interface then set by PharmX. Assists with integrity checking and reconciliation of invoice lines by the gateway and POS. |
ReorderNumber | string (20) | The supplier product code for the item (aka, part code, PDE code) |
EAN | string (50) | The EAN/GTIN code for the product |
Description | string (80) | The description of the product |
QuantityOrdered | int | The quantity of items ordered |
UOM | string (10) | The Unit of measure, currently defined values are: |
UnitCostexGST | decimal | The unit cost of the item ex GST |