Request Object – InvoiceDocument
Used in web method(s):
Field | Type | Description |
BillToAccountNumber | string (50) | The supplier allocated account number that identifies the account to which the financial liability will be attached. |
DeliveryAccountNumber* | string (50) | The supplier allocated account number that identifies the pharmacy to which the goods should be delivered. |
DueDate | date/time | The supplier determined due date for the invoice. |
InvoiceSegmentNumber | int | If the invoice comprises one part of a consolidated invoice from the supplier, this will takes values 1 – n. If the invoice is not consolidated, this value will be 1. |
InvoiceSegmentTotal | int | If the invoice comprises one part of a consolidated invoice from the supplier, this value will be n (the total number of segments in the consolidated invoice). If the invoice is not consolidated, this value will be 1. |
DeliveryDate | date/time | The expected delivery date.
DeliveryNumber | string (50) | The delivery number for the invoice. There may be one or more invoices for a given delivery number. |
DeliveryTrackingID | string (50) | A delivery tracking ID if available/relevant. |
DeliveryTrackingURL | string (150) | A link to further tracking details if available/relevant. |
SettlementDiscount | decimal | The settlement discount applicable if payment received by the Due Date. |
InvoiceNumber* | string (50) | The supplier allocated invoice number, depending on the supplier this may be the same for several gateway invoice documents. |
Reference | string (50) | This should be either the original PharmX order ID or if not applicable a suitable supplier generated reference number. |
SupplierABN | string (50) | The supplier’s ABN. |
SupplierId* | int | The unique PharmX ID for the supplier company receiving the order. |
StateSupplierId* | int | The PharmX ID for the supplier where the supplier is sub-divided into states. |
SenderUniqueMessageID* | guid | A GUID, unique message reference. Cannot be an empty guid, i.e. 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000. |
LineCount* | int | The number of lines on the invoice, used for message validation. |
Lines* | array of InvoiceLine | An array of invoice lines. |
ExtendedInfos | array of ExtendedInfo | An array of typed key-value pairs for persisting custom data or triggering custom behaviour. This should only be populated with data as advised by the PharmX team. |
Field | Type | Description |
InvoiceLineUID* | guid | Provided by supplier as a unique reference for each invoice line, or otherwise set by PharmX. Assists the gateway with integrity checking and reconciliation of invoice lines by the gateway and POS. Can be used by the POS application to identify and assist with correct processing of multiple lines of the same reordernumber. |
OrderLineUID* | guid | Provided by Gateway as a unique reference for each order line in the order, assists the gateway with integrity checking and reconciliation of invoice lines by the gateway and POS. If not retained from the order, provide an empty guid “00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000”. |
SequenceNumber | int | Provided by supplier and indicative of sequence of invoice lines on a hard/soft copy invoice or delivery note. |
Description | string (80) | Description of item. |
Ean | string (50) | EAN of line. |
ExtendedCostExGst | decimal | Total invoice line cost excluding GST. |
ExtendedCostGst | decimal | Total invoice line GST amount. |
ExtendedCostIncGst | decimal | Total invoice line cost including GST. |
GstStatus | string (50) | Full GST Status of line. F= Free, N = No, Y = Yes, U = Unknown |
Manufacturer | string (50) | Manufacturer of the product. |
NonSupplyReason | string (50) | Reason this item could not be supplied. |
NormalCostExGst | decimal | The unit list/catalogue cost excluding GST. |
NormalCostGst | decimal | The unit list/catalogue cost GST amount. |
NormalCostIncGst | decimal | The unit list/catalogue cost including GST. |
UOM* | string (10) | The Unit of measure, currently defined values are: |
QuantityBackordered | int | Quantity on back order. |
QuantityOrdered | int | Quantity in the original order. |
QuantitySupplied | int | Quantity invoiced and supplied. |
QuantityBonus | int | Quantity of bonus stock supplied. It is implied the unit cost for any bonus items will be 0.00 |
ReorderNumber* | string (50) | The supplier product code for the item supplied. |
ReorderNumberOrdered | string (50) | The supplier product code for the item that was ordered. If this differs from ReorderNumber, there has been a product substitution. |
RetailPrice | decimal | Recommended Retail Price. |
Tote | string (50) | The tote or carton ID the item will be contained in. |
Tun | string (50) | TUN of line (Trade Unit Number, a number that is greater than EAN-13 e.g. UCC-14). |
Warehouse | string (50) | The supplier reference to the warehouse to which this applies. |
WarehouseRole | string (50) | Whether primary or secondary warehouse (an indicator to the POS user regarding expected delivery date). |
InvoiceLineType | int | Describes the type or category of invoice line, values currently defined are: (0) – the default value where the invoice line type has not been defined by the supplier (this will be expected for any invoice not created by a Gateway3 interface) (1) - Inventory, this is regular stock owned by the pharmacy, SOH should be updated accordingly (2) – Service item, used for fees and other non-inventory invoice line items (3) – Agency stock, this invoice line type applies to invoice line items that relate to agency stock and should not be included in regular stock in the POS (current use example is invoice line items relating to NDSS stock) (4) –Supplier display kit (comprising several display kit items which will be the retail units). Typically the display kit will have ExtendedCostExGst > 0.00 (5) –Supplier display kit item. An individual display kit retail item with ExtendedCostExGst = 0.00 |
BatchNumber | string (50) | The batch number for the item(s). |
ExpiryDate | date/time | The expiry date for the batch of item(s). |
MOQ | int | The supplier’s preferred multiple shipment quantity. |
RetailUnitsPerUOM | int | The amount of retail units per quantity of UOM. |
ExtendedInfos | array of ExtendedInfo | An array of typed key-value pairs for persisting custom data or triggering custom behaviour. This should only be populated with data as advised by the PharmX team. |