Request Object – GatewayOrderAcknowledgement
Used in web method(s):
Field | Type | Description |
Id | int | The unique PharmX ID of the order, allocated by the gateway |
AcknowledgedBySupplier | boolean | Set to “0” if order was processed successfully, else “1” |
ReceivedBySupplier | date/time | The (UTC) date and time stamp of when the order was processed by the supplier. |
SupplierResponse | string (4000) | The response returned by the supplier interface when it was sent to the supplier, or the error received if a failure has occurred |
SupplierUniqueMessageID | guid | A GUID, identifies the message. If multiple order acknowledgements are sent for the same order then this should be unique for each message transaction. |
BuyerAbn | string (50) | The ABN for the store that sent the order |
BillToAccountNumber | string (50) | The supplier allocated account number that identifies the account to which the financial liability will be attached. |
DeliveryAccountNumber | string (50) | The supplier allocated account number that identifies the pharmacy to which the goods should be delivered |
Reference | string (50) | The original POS reference for this order (if available) |
SupplierId | int | The unique PharmX ID for the supplier company receiving the order |
StateSupplierId | int | The PharmX ID for the supplier where the supplier is sub-divided into states/product categories |
LineCount | int | The number of purchase order lines in the order ack, used for client validation upon receipt of the order ack |
DocumentMode | int | |
Lines | array of OrderAcknowledgementLine |
Field | Type | Description |
OrderLineUID | guid | Set by POS as a unique reference (unique within this order only) for each order line in the order. The intention is to provide supply chain participants developers with an additional reference point assisting with integrity checking and reconciliation of order lines against return messages. |
ReorderNumber | string (20) | The supplier product code for the item (PDE code) |
EAN | string (50) | The EAN/GTIN code for the product |
Description | string (80) | The description of the product |
QuantityOrdered | int | The quantity of items ordered |
QuantityBackordered | int | The quantity of items backordered |
QuantityOutOfStock | int | The quantity of items out-of-stock |
UOM | string (10) | The Unit of measure, currently defined values are: Default will be EA (each’s) if not provided by the supplier. This defines what is meant by a supply unit of “1”. |
UnitCostexGST | decimal | The unit cost of the item ex GST |
ETA | date/time | The (UTC) date and time the order line is expected to be delivered |
Warehouse | string (50) | The supplier reference to the warehouse to which this applies |
WarehouseRole | string (50) | Whether primary or secondary warehouse (an indicator to the POS user regarding expected delivery date) |
Message | string (120) | Any message accompanying the line |