Request Object - PurchaseOrderAcknowledgement
Order acknowledgements may be used to provide order responses to PharmX purchase orders or as a request to create an order that was placed outside of PharmX for the purpose of sending the order through to the POS system.
1. These fields are utilised when creating an order acknowledgment.
2. There fields are utilised for third party orders (orders placed external to PharmX).
Field | Type | Description |
Id1* | int | The unique ID of the order, allocated by the Gateway. ** Required when providing an acknowledgement for an existing order. |
AcknowledgedBySupplier | boolean | Not currently used. Handled by the API. |
ReceivedBySupplier1* | date/time | The (UTC) date and time stamp of when the order was acknowledged by the supplier. |
SupplierResponse1 | string (4000) | The response returned by the supplier interface when it was sent to the supplier, or the error received if a failure has occurred. |
SupplierUniqueMessageID | guid | Not currently used. |
BuyerAbn | string (50) | Not currently used. |
BillToAccountNumber2 | string (50) | The supplier allocated account number that identifies the account to which the financial liability will be attached. |
DeliveryAccountNumber2* | string (50) | The supplier allocated account number that identifies the pharmacy to which the goods should be delivered. |
Reference12* | string (50) | POS reference for this order. ** Required when sending an order created external to PharmX. |
SupplierId1*2* | int | The unique PharmX ID for the supplier company receiving the order (e.g, API Australia has SupplierId = 5) |
StateSupplierId1*2* | int | The PharmX ID for the supplier where the supplier is sub-divided into states (e.g. , API NSW has StateSupplierId = 1107) |
LineCount2* | int | The number of purchase order lines in the order ack, used for client validation upon receipt of the order ack. |
DocumentMode | int | Not currently used. |
Lines1*2* | Array of PurchaseOrderAcknowledgmentLine | An array of PurchaseOrderAcknowledgementLines. |
Field | Type | Description |
OrderLineUID | guid | Not currently used. |
ReorderNumber1*2* | string (20) | The supplier product code for the item (PDE code). |
EAN2 | string (50) | The EAN/GTIN code for the product. |
Description2 | string (80) | The description of the product. |
QuantityOrdered2* | int | The quantity of items ordered. |
QuantityBackordered1* | int | The quantity of items backordered. |
QuantityOutOfStock1* | int | The quantity of items out-of-stock. |
UOM2* | string (10) | The unit of measure. Valid values are: Default will be EA (each’s) if not provided by the supplier. This defines what is meant by a supply unit of “1”. |
UnitCostexGST2* | decimal | The unit cost of the item ex GST. |
ETA1 | date/time | The (UTC) date and time the order line is expected to be delivered. |
Warehouse1 | string (50) | The supplier reference to the warehouse to which this applies. |
WarehouseRole1 | string (50) | Whether primary or secondary warehouse (an indicator to the POS user regarding expected delivery date). |
Message1 | string (120) | Any message accompanying the line. |